Thigh Lift (Thighplasty) Surgery Cost and Procedure Guide
Written by Medical Quality Manager, Clare , BN (Hons)
Medical Review by Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Kuen Yeow Chin , FRCS, MB ChB, MRCSG, MSc
Thigh lift surgery also called a thighplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to smooth and reshape the upper thighs by removing loose skin and/or fat. This procedure helps patients achieve firmer and more aesthetically pleasing thighs. It is growing in popularity especially among those who have lost substantial amounts of weight and have loose skin on their thighs that impedes their mobility or they find unattractive.
Procedure time
1 to 3 hours
Overnight stay
Day case or 1 to 2 nights
General or Local with Sedation
Recovery time
6 to 12 months
Please note that we do not offer cosmetic surgery services. The information provided on this page is intended as a general guide for patients. For personalised advice and treatment options, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.
How much does thigh lift surgery cost?
Thigh Lift Surgery will usually cost between £5,500 and £7,000, but the exact price can vary to reflect the personally tailored procedure package.
The surgeon will use their expertise to make certain recommendations that ensure that every procedure is tailored to the specific wants and needs of the patient, who themselves can also make a number of decisions to suit their desired outcome. Some of the variants which may affect the price of the procedure include:
- Surgeon experience
- Anaesthetist experience
- Which hospital or clinic is chosen for the procedure
- The complexity of the individual procedure
- Surgical techniques
- The time required in surgery for each patient’s case
Only after the specific details of the procedure have been worked out can an exact price be determined. However, once a final price has been set, it will be transparent and all-inclusive; there will be no hidden costs or surprises. It will cover:
- Surgeon and anaesthetist costs
- Hospital costs
- Overnight stays (if required)
- Aftercare and follow-up appointments
Surgery Goals
What can a thigh lift achieve?
A thigh lift aims to smoothen and reshape the inner and outer thighs by removing excess skin and fat (when combined with liposuction) in these areas. The procedure targets the excess skin and stubborn fat that healthy eating and exercising are unable to remove. A thigh lift can, therefore, help patients achieve their ideal body goal.
It is important to keep in mind that a thighplasty is not a procedure that can aid weight loss. Surgeons strongly advise that patients reach a stable weight before they have thigh lift surgery.
If the main issue is sagging skin, the surgeon will remove the excess skin and tighten the underlying supportive tissues. If the main issue is a large amount of excess fat, the surgeon may use liposuction alongside the thigh lift to help achieve the results. Whether to use liposuction or not also depends on whether the patient would like to reduce the fat volume in the thigh.
Following a large amount of weight loss or ageing, the skin and soft tissue in the thighs can become loose and start to droop. Consequently, this can make some people feel self-conscious and unhappy with their lower body appearance. Thigh lift surgery may be able to address these issues and can:
- Redefine the shape of your thighs to improve your lower body contour
- Reduce the small localised pockets of fat in the thighs, creating a smoother appearance
- Improve your self-esteem and confidence
However, thigh lift surgery is not a good option for everyone. It is not a method of weight loss. A healthy diet and exercise should be tried before considering surgery.
Who are the ideal candidates for a thigh lift?
Following major weight loss, or as a result of ageing, the skin around the inside and outside thigh may sag and become uneven. Many patients may wish to improve the shape and symmetry of their thighs. Thigh lift surgery may be a potential option for these concerns and can restore the youthful contours of the lower body. Ideal thigh lift candidates include those who:
- Are at a stable weight
- Have excess soft tissue in the outer or inner thighs (which exercise has been unable to remove)
- Have excess cellulite and stubborn fat in the thighs
- Can commit to leading a healthy lifestyle in terms of exercise and diet
- Are non-smokers, or are smoke and nicotine-free for at least six weeks before surgery
- Have realistic expectations of what thigh lift surgery can achieve
- Have an optimistic outlook and are emotionally ready for surgery.
The Procedure
How is a thigh lift procedure performed?
The thigh lift procedure usually lasts between 2 to 4 hours, and the surgeon will perform the surgery under general anaesthetic. The procedure can be carried out as a day case or requiring a 1-2 nights stay in the hospital. This will depend on the type of procedure you are having and will be discussed with you during the consultation. Before patients come in for the surgery, the surgeon will offer instructions on what to eat and drink and advice regarding any regular medication.
Consent form
Firstly, patients will meet with the surgeon and anaesthetist before the operation. The surgeon will go through the details of the surgery, including risks, with you again. If you are happy to proceed with the surgery, you can then sign the consent form. This will happen on the day of the surgery or at the preoperative assessment. Once the patient has signed this, the surgeon will make some surgical markings to plan the surgery.
Once in the operating theatre, the anaesthetist will put the patient to sleep. The anaesthetist will likely give a general anaesthetic for the thigh lift surgery.
The surgeon will then clean and put drapes over the treatment area. As detailed below, there are several different types of thigh lift procedures. The surgeon would have advised the patient on the type that would most likely give the patient their desired result. The surgeon’s choice will depend on the amount of excess skin, excess fat, the level of skin laxity and any expectations the patient had for the surgery.
Surgeons commonly use four different incisions. These include:
Medial/inner incision
This technique involves a small incision from where the pubic bone meets the thigh and extends to the crease of the buttock.
Minimal incision
This technique is a modification of the medial thigh lift. A small incision will be made running along the crease of the groin. The surgeon will then pull up the excess skin and trim it off. This is an effective technique that creates very minimal and discreet scarring.
Vertical incision
This technique involves an incision that runs from the groin crease along the inside of the leg to the knee. Thus as the incision line is very long, it does produce the maximal level of scarring. The surgeon may suggest this if patients have a lot of excess skin after weight loss or after liposuction.
Outer/ lateral incision
This technique involves an incision that is made in a V-pattern along the line of the underwear to the top of the outer thigh. Especially relevant for tightening skin on the front and outside of the thighs.
Closing of incisions
The surgeon will use stitches to close the skin once the operation is over. Absorbable or non-absorbable may be used, depending on patient factors and surgeon preference. Patients will have a tight bandage tied around their thighs. Also, patients may have a small drainage tube left under the skin; this is to help reduce the swelling and bruising. Before patients go home, the surgeon may remove these.
Return to the ward
Finally, once the thigh lift procedure is complete, patients will return to the ward. Patients may be able to go home the same day; however, some patients will need to stay for one to two nights in the hospital after the surgery.
The Consultation
What to expect during a thigh lift consultation?
The thigh lift consultation will involve meeting with the prospective surgeon. This will generally last around 15 minutes to an hour. In this meeting, patients will discuss the details of the surgery and all expectations and requirements.
The surgeon will ask a few questions about the patient's general health and well-being. They will want to discuss:
- Any current or past medical conditions
- Previous thigh or lower body surgery
- Any previous problems with anaesthetic agents
- Medications, including herbal remedies and vitamins
- Smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs
- Any allergies
- Any other previous surgeries.
The surgeon will also examine and measure the thighs to decide which procedure will work best for the patient. Their decision will be based upon:
- The best surgical approach for the problem areas
- The amount of excess skin and fat
- The laxity of the skin
- The patient's desired results.
They will then take confidential photos of the thighs for the medical records. Finally, the surgeon will talk through the risks and complications of the procedure to ensure the patient can make a fully informed decision. It is important to understand the potential risks before consenting to surgery. Therefore, patients should ask any questions they may have regarding this at any point in the consultation.
Questions to ask during a thigh lift consultation
The thigh lift consultation is the perfect opportunity to ask the surgeon questions. Here are some questions that could be useful:
- Do you think my expectations from surgery are realistic?
- Is there anything I need to do to get the best results?
- Where on my thighs will my scars be located?
- Have you performed this operation before?
- Have you got any photos of similar operations you have performed?
- How long will recovery be? Is there anything I can do to help with healing?
Risks & Complications
What are the main thigh lift surgery risks and complications?
All surgical procedures, including a thigh lift, carry some risk of complications occurring. Patients must be aware of these before they can fully consent to the operation. Some of the potential thigh lift risks and complications include:
This is a collection of fluid that may build up under the skin’s surface. This often occurs close to the incision site, usually underneath it. To prevent this from happening, patients may have a small drain left under the skin to remove this fluid. This should be removed before they go home. Some seromas resolve by themselves over time. However, if patients develop a large seroma, the surgeon may need to drain it.
As a thigh lift is a surgical procedure, it will inevitably leave a scar. The surgeon will try and make this as discreet as possible. However, if scarring is a big drawback, patients may choose to opt for a mini thigh lift. This procedure produces a very small scar in the groin.
After the thigh lift, patients will have some bruising and swelling on the thighs. This is normal and may last around two to three weeks.
Swelling/ Lymphoedema
Swelling is expected and common after any surgery. This usually takes a few months to improve and as long as 12-18 months to return to normal. Rarely the swelling remains because some of the lymph channels have been damaged during surgery – this causes long-term swelling called lymphoedema. Fortunately, this is uncommon and also mild.
There is a risk that patients may develop an infection after surgery. Most infections are mild, but any infection must be taken seriously. Mild infections should clear with antibiotics. Rarely more serious infections can occur. It is important that patients tell the surgeon if patients experience any of the following symptoms:
- A temperature over 38°C
- The skin around the incision site becoming increasingly red and tender
- Any yellow or foul-smelling pus coming from the wound
- Increasing pain that pain medication cannot control
If bleeding occurs, it usually happens immediately after surgery. However, it may occur two to three weeks after. If more severe bleeding occurs, patients will be taken back to the operating room, where it will be treated.
General surgical complications
General surgical complications may include:
- Reactions to the anaesthetic
- Blood clot formation
- Nausea and vomiting
- Blood loss
Patients should inform the surgeon if they have experienced any of these in the past. It is also important that patients report immediately to a doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms after surgery:
- Sudden shortness of breath
- Unusual heartbeats
- Chest pain
- Sore swollen leg that is warm and difficult to touch
There is a risk that some areas of tissue, fat or skin may lose blood supply during a thighplasty. If this occurs, the affected area may die, causing it to feel firm and look uneven. Patients may need surgery to correct this. The risk of necrosis occurring is increased if the patient smokes. Therefore, it is recommended that patients are smoke and nicotine-free for at least six weeks before the procedure.
Changes in skin sensation
In a thigh lift, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat and then tightens the underlying supportive tissue. Because of this re-positioning of the thigh tissue, the nerves that supply the legs and feet may be damaged. Therefore, patients may feel some altered sensation in these areas in the days after the surgery. The altered sensations may include an increase or decrease in sensitivity or a burning or tingling sensation. This should resolve within a few months of the procedure but may become permanent.
After surgery, the surgeon will close the incisions with either absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. There is a risk that they may become visible, irritable or poke through the skin. If the stitches do become visible or irritable, they may need to be removed.
There is a small chance patients may be unhappy with the final result of the thigh lift. It is therefore advised that all patients pick their surgeons carefully. Patients must make sure that they are honest and candid about what they would like to achieve from surgery.
How to prepare for a thigh lift?
Before patients have the surgery, there are a few thigh lift preparation tips that are recommended. These will help through the recovery period. It is important to follow the surgeon’s pre, and post-op advice as this is specific to each patient. Generalised thigh lift preparation advice includes the following:
After the procedure, patients will not be able to drive for at least 2 to 4 weeks. This is because of the thigh wound and the pain medication, both of which can affect judgement and concentration. Patients should, therefore, arrange for someone to pick them up after the operation.
It is advised that all patients have adult supervision for at least 24 hours after the operation. The medications patients take can make them feel dizzy or light-headed, and they, therefore, may need help with some tasks at home.
Sleeping & resting
After the thigh lift, patients may find it more comfortable to sleep propped up on pillows, so be sure to make sure there are plenty of spare pillows at home. It may also be more comfortable to rest and sleep on your back in an inclined position.
Patients do not need to stay in bed for the whole of the recovery. It is advised that patients begin gentle walks by the following day after the procedure. When getting out of bed, patients should slowly swing their legs off the side and, once sat upright, be sure to give themselves a few minutes to steady themselves. This is to prevent patients from becoming light-headed when they stand. In the first few days, patients should make any movements slowly and make sure they get plenty of rest. Having a good balance between reduced activity and rest will speed up recovery.
Household items & chores
It is important that patients do not strain the stitches in the thighs. Patients must not lift any heavy items. Before going in for the procedure, patients may like to clean the house, do the washing and take the bins out. This will be a great help for getting home and settling in. Furthermore, to prevent straining the stitches, patients may wish to take food products and crockery out of the cupboards and place them on the work surface. This will make them easy to reach.
Shopping & food
Patients will be unable to lift heavy shopping bags in the first few weeks after the thigh lift. Doing a big food shop may be a good idea before the surgery date. It may even be helpful to cook some meals to put in the freezer.
Children & pets
It may be useful to ask family or friends to look after any young children or pets after the operation. This will help patients get the necessary rest needed for a speedy recovery.
To speed up healing time after the thigh lift procedure, patients should eat high-protein, low-sodium foods. Eat a healthy diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water and caffeine-free drinks. Try to avoid foods that are high in salt and sugar.
After the procedure, patients will need to wear loose, comfortable clothing, particularly baggy trousers. It may be a good idea to purchase this before and bring them to the hospital. Patients may also need to wear a compression garment around the thighs after the operation. The surgeon will tell the patient how long they need to wear this.
What to expect after a thigh lift?
During the initial consultation with the surgeon, they will advise on the thigh lift aftercare. Patients must follow this advice to help speed up the recovery process. Some general advice includes the following:
Post-operative appointment
Patients may need to spend one or two nights in hospital after their thigh lift. Before patients leave, they will be given a date for a follow-up appointment with the surgeon. This will usually be around one to two weeks after the procedure. During this appointment, the surgeon or post-op nurse will remove any stitches, look at how the thighs are healing, and discuss any potential risks and complications. Furthermore, after the procedure, if they have not done it already, the surgeon will give their specific thigh lift aftercare instructions that should cover:
- Returning to work
- Recommencing sport and exercise
- Returning to driving
- Specific care for your scars
Each surgeon will give different time frames regarding each of these. Therefore, you must listen to what the surgeon advises.
Below there are some general time frames that give an idea of what to expect:
Time off work
After the thigh lift, patients will need to take some time off work. The length of time off work depends on the patients' profession. For desk jobs with very little strenuous activity, patients might need to take 1 to 3 weeks off to give themselves time to recover. For more active jobs such as hospitality or manual labour, patients will need around 4 weeks off. Regardless of the job, all patients should refrain from lifting heavy items for the first few weeks after surgery. The daily routine can resume after around one week as long as this does not involve anything strenuous.
Return to sports and exercise
After the thigh lift, patients will need to take a break from sports and exercise to allow their bodies to recover. However, patients should try and mobilise soon after surgery. This is because being bed-bound increases the risk of blood clots in the legs and will delay recovery time.
How long patients need depends on the activity, but the general guidelines are as follows:
Weeks 1 to 4:
During the first 4 weeks, patients can only do very minimal activity and nothing too strenuous. This is because aerobic exercise can increase the swelling of the thighs. Patients should not be carrying out any heavy lifting for at least 4 weeks after the procedure. If patients find some movements are causing discomfort on the thighs, patients should try to avoid these. Furthermore, patients should refrain from sexual activity for at least 2 weeks after surgery.
Weeks 4 to 6:
After 4 weeks pass, patients can resume sports activities that do not involve rigorous movements and avoid activities like cycling or running until at least 6 weeks.
After 6 Weeks:
6 weeks after the thigh lift, patients can resume all forms of exercise and sport. This is an important part of the thigh lift aftercare. If patients find that they are experiencing discomfort in the thighs when exercising, they should break from rigorous exercise for a week. A good balance between exercise and rest is the best combination for a speedy recovery.
Compression garment
The surgeon may ask patients to wear a compression garment after the thigh lift. They will tell patients exactly how long they must wear this garment and how tight they must wear it (if it is adjustable). The purpose of the compression garment is to help reduce swelling and bruising after the operation. It is very important that patients follow their surgeon’s instructions on how to wear the garment, as this will help achieve the best results possible.
Scar care
Patients need to follow their surgeon’s advice on how to take care of scars. A number of techniques the surgeon may recommend can aid in the healing of the scars. These include:
- Massaging the scar – patients should wait until the scar fully heals before trying this.
- Applying silicone sheets, gels or creams on the scar – doing this after the scar fully heals and for 6 months after surgery can help reduce the appearance of the scar.
- Keep the scars out of the sun – try to avoid exposing the scars to the sun for at least 6 months. If patients do expose them, make sure to apply high-factor sun cream. This is to prevent large colour differences on the thighs.
Bathing and showering
To promote good healing, keep the incisions clean and dry, and inspect them regularly once you have been advised that dressings are no longer required.
The surgeon will advise patients on when they can shower and bathe again after surgery. The usual advice is to sponge bath only for the first 48-72 hours after surgery. When starting to shower again and the incisions are undressed, wash them gently with soap and water. Leave the white tape (steri strips) in place. They are waterproof and should not come off in the shower.
Patients should ask their surgeon when they can use:
● Bathtubs
● Saunas
● Swimming pools
Patients should not remove any dressings unless instructed by their surgeon - these will be removed within one to two weeks at the post-operative appointment.
Final Results
It may take a bit of time to see the final result of the surgery. Patients should expect to see some bruising and swelling of the thighs for at least two weeks after the procedure. After 6 to 8 weeks, the thighs should heal to the extent that patients can see the full permanent results of the thigh lift. However, in some patients, it may take up to a year for the swelling to fully settle, while the scar can take up to 2 years to mature. Patients can help preserve the effects of their thigh lift by maintaining a stable weight through regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.
Do I need a GP referral for my thigh lift?
No, your surgeon does not need a GP referral from you if you want to have a thigh lift. Your surgeon will only contact your GP to get a full record of your medical history. Certain medical conditions may need to be signed off before having the surgery, but your Patient Care Adviser will let you know if this is required.
What effect will drugs, alcohol, and smoking have on my thigh lift?
You should be aware that drinking large amounts of alcohol, smoking and using recreational drugs can all increase the risk of complications. The reason patients are required that they do not smoke for 6 weeks before and after their thigh lift procedure in order to reduce these risks. Smoking can delay the time it takes your wounds to heal. Not only does this delay your recovery, but it also makes it more likely for you to develop an infection.
Furthermore, alcohol consumption and the taking of recreational drugs can negatively impact your health which is highly important for your recovery and results.
Would I need to have drains put in after my thigh lift?
Once your thigh lift surgery is complete, your surgeon may put in some small tubes under the skin of your thighs. These tubes act as drains and they collect and remove any excess fluid or blood. They may be left in for one to two days. Your surgeon will give you specific advice regarding these drains.
What effect will weight gain or weight loss have on my thigh lift?
Any major weight gain or weight loss will affect the results of your surgery. You must, therefore, be at a stable weight before you have a thigh lift. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and do regular exercise after the procedure so that you can maintain the results.
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All of the information found on our website is sourced from highly reputable experts, government-approved authorities and is widely used by healthcare professionals.
- https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/body-procedures/skin-removal-after-weight-loss/ American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
- https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/thigh-lift American Society of Cosmetic Surgeons
Our content is written by our Medical Quality Managers and Patient Care Advisers, all of who have medical backgrounds and training. Prior to publishing, all the information is reviewed by a surgeon specialised within the relevant field.
Find out more about thigh lift surgery
Thigh lift surgery is popular with patients who have excess skin and stubborn fat due to ageing or weight loss