VASER Liposuction Surgery Cost & Procedure Guide
Written by Patient Care Team Lead, Jonathan , BN (Hons)
Medical Review by Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Lizzie Tuckey , MBBS, BA
VASER liposuction is also called ultrasound-assisted liposuction, VASER lipo or LipoSculpting. It is a body sculpting procedure that removes unwanted, stubborn areas of fat by liquefying it with ultrasound waves. The unwanted fat is then removed via suction, resulting in a slimmer and more toned silhouette. This process is growing in popularity because it is a less invasive and more precise method compared to traditional liposuction.
Procedure time
1 - 2 hours
Overnight stay
0 - 1 Nights
General or Local with Sedation
Recovery time
Up to 6 months
Please note that we do not offer cosmetic surgery services. The information provided on this page is intended as a general guide for patients. For personalised advice and treatment options, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.
Surgery Goals
VASER lipo removes fat cells from the body. It is suitable for those who wish to improve the contour and shape of their body and remove or reduce unwanted, stubborn areas of fat.
Patients may be a suitable candidate for VASER liposuction if they:
- Have not met physical goals even through lifestyle changes
- Are frustrated by stubborn areas of fat on the body
- Are dissatisfied with other fat removal treatments
- Are relatively fit and healthy
- Have sensible and realistic expectations for VASER lipo
Is VASER lipo a good way to lose weight?
No, VASER lipo is not a good way to lose weight. It’s important to know that any kind of liposuction, including VASER, is not a type of weight loss surgery. In fact, hospitals in the UK often have a limit of three litres of fat that can be removed from a patient during liposuction surgery. This limit is because the likelihood of complications greatly increases when more than three litres of fat is removed during one procedure.
If patients want to lose weight, weight loss surgery like gastric balloon surgery might be a better way for them to reach their goals.
Where on the body can VASER liposuction be carried out?
VASER liposuction is a more precise technique than traditional dry or wet liposuction, so it can be done to refine smaller areas of the body. VASER lipo also works well to contour larger areas like the belly or thighs.
Popular areas include:
- Stomach
- Buttocks
- Hips and flank
- Inner/outer thighs
- Chest
- Upper arms
- Upper/lower back
- Calves
- Knees
- Ankles
- Chin
- Neck
The areas VASER lipo can be performed are highlighted in the image below.
VASER liposuction combination procedures
Yes, VASER lipo is commonly added to many procedures. Surgeons in consultation may, in fact, suggest combining the VASER liposuction with another procedure in order to achieve the best results for the patient. Though combining it with another procedure will increase VASER liposuction cost, the addition will provide more refined results.
The procedures most commonly combined with VASER lipo include:
VASER lipo can also be combined with fat transfer procedures like fat transfer breast enlargement or cheek enhancement.
What is the difference between VASER liposuction & traditional liposuction?
VASER is an acronym for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance which is a technical definition of ultrasound.
As the name suggests, VASER liposuction is a new development in liposuction that uses ultrasound energy to break apart fat cells so they can more easily be suctioned away with a traditional liposuction cannula.
The surgical procedure is very similar to traditional wet liposuction, as seen in the image below. The only difference is the addition of a VASER ultrasound tool that makes the fat much easier to remove via the cannula.
In the UK, VASER liposuction costs start at £2000 and can reach up to £6500 or more. VASER liposuction costs vary widely because multiple areas of the body can be treated at once if needed. While more areas operated on can give a leaner and more defined look overall, it also increases the VASER liposuction cost.
This range is also for VASER liposuction costs alone without any other combined procedures like a tummy tuck. Other factors like location and the pre-and postoperative services included in the price can also impact VASER liposuction cost.
A patient's bespoke VASER liposuction price always includes the following:
- Hospital fees
- Nursing staff fees
- All postoperative appointments
- Any medications prescribed by your surgeon
The Consultation
Consultations for VASER lipo generally last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. This will be the patient's first opportunity to meet their prospective surgeon.
During the consultation, patients will also have the opportunity to:
- Discuss all expectations for surgery
- Discuss why they want to have VASER liposuction
- Get a better understanding of the procedure itself
What to expect during a consultation for VASER liposuction?
The surgeon will discuss all motivations for surgery and examine the areas of the body the patients would like to have VASER lipo. To better understand the
patients, the surgeon will ask more specific questions regarding general health and history of weight loss.
These questions may include:
- Previous weight loss and methods used
- Currently at a stable weight?
- Do you have any medical conditions?
- Medications including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, or herbal supplements?
- Any major operations in the past?
- Any other procedures carried out on the area?
- Alcohol, smoke, or use any nicotine products or recreational drugs?
- Any allergies?
The best way to ensure patients have an excellent result from surgery is to always be truthful with the surgeon.
The Procedure
VASER liposuction usually takes one to two hours to perform. The patient must be under either general anaesthesia (most commonly) or local anaesthesia with sedation during surgery.
General anaesthesia involves giving the patient a medication that puts them into a deep, dreamless sleep. Local anaesthesia with sedation, also known as twilight sedation, involves a medication that numbs the area where the surgery is performed and a sedative that relaxes the patient during the procedure.
The VASER liposuction procedure
The basic procedure for VASER lipo is similar to wet liposuction. A tumescent solution made of sterile saltwater called saline mixed with local anaesthetic and medication that limits blood flow is used to reduce bleeding, swelling and bruising. The fat is then further broken down with the help of a VASER ultrasound probe.
VASER liposuction is performed as seen in the diagram above:
- The tumescent solution is injected into the fat via a small incision no longer than one centimetre located in a discrete area near the treatment area
- Then a VASER instrument is inserted and emits ultrasound waves that instantly liquefy fat and help to separate it from the other structures in the skin
- The surgeon then inserts a thin hollow surgical instrument called a cannula into the fat
- The liquefied fat and saline solution is suctioned from the body via the cannula
- Immediately after surgery, the area has much less fat and provides the patient with a sleek and defined silhouette
Any remaining fat or saline is absorbed by the body in the days and weeks following surgery. When all the fat and saline is removed, they remove the cannula and close the small incisions with stitches or medical glue.
Results & recovery after VASER liposuction
Many patients are able to go home the same day as their procedure, though the surgeon may require the patient to stay one night in the hospital for observation.
Patients will likely need to wear a compression garment in the first weeks of the recovery. This helps reduce swelling and bruising while also reducing the time it takes to heal completely. While results are mostly visible immediately after surgery, it may take up to six months for any underlying swelling to completely settle.
Risks & Complications
Potential risks & complications related to VASER liposuction surgery
No matter how rare, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with any procedure on offer, including VASER liposuction. This makes sure patients make an informed decision about their surgery. The best way to reduce the likelihood of any complications from the VASER lipo procedure is to carefully choose the surgeon. Patients will be able to discuss the risks and any concerns they may have whilst in consultation with the surgeon.
The risks of VASER liposuction include, but are not limited to:
- Complications or allergic reaction to anaesthesia
- Allergic reaction to other surgical elements such as tape or latex gloves
- Bleeding
- Temporary bruising
- Temporary swelling
- An altered sensation at the treatment area
- Temporary fluid balance issues
- Unwanted or keloid scarring
- Burns or skin damage from the ultrasound wand
- Unwanted lumps or bumps at the treatment site
What is the recovery process after VASER liposuction?
The recovery process for VASER liposuction will depend on which areas of the body are being treated and how large those areas are. Recovery differs from patient to patient, but in any case, it is incredibly important that patients follow the specific aftercare instructions that the surgeon gives. This will help ensure that they will recover safely.
Waking up
It can be quite common to experience pain after a Vaser liposuction procedure. It is normal for the area where the lipo was carried out to feel tight, sore and swollen for the first few days. The surgeon may prescribe some painkillers to help manage any pain and make the recovery as comfortable as possible.
After the procedure, the surgeon may place a compression bandage or garment around the treatment area and give specific instructions on how long the patient has to wear this for. This compression will help to reduce any swelling or bruising. If the surgeon uses a local anaesthetic for the procedure, the patient may feel that the treatment area is still numb or tingly for a few hours after the procedure. This feeling is only temporary and should wear off after a few hours.
The first 24 hours
Many patients will be able to go back home on the same day that they have had their Vaser liposuction procedure. However, if multiple or very large areas were treated, patients may be required to stay overnight. The surgeon will have discussed this during the consultation.
If the surgeon uses a sedative or a general anaesthetic, patients may feel groggy or disorientated when they wake up after the procedure. The effects of these medications can take up to 24 hours to wear off. This means that it will not be safe for patients to drive, and they should ask a family member or friend to pick them up and take them home.
Time off work
Most patients can return to work fairly soon after having a Vaser liposuction procedure. Usually, surgeons recommend that patients return to work after about five to seven days. However, this again does depend on:
- Which areas were operated on
- The surgeon’s specific instructions
- How strenuous the patient's work is
- How they feel after the procedure
Exercise and sport
The surgeon may recommend that patients take it easy before resuming any of the usual sports or exercise. They may recommend that patients avoid the following for at least the first two to three weeks after the Vaser liposuction procedure:
- Strenuous activity
- Heavy lifting
- Contact sports
- Swimming
The surgeon may also advise that patients refrain from sexual activity for around 10 -14 days. Patients should ask the surgeon for specific time frames of when they will be able to resume sports, exercise, and sex. These will depend on the area that was operated on and how the recovery process is going.
Post-operative appointments
Patients may go back to see their surgeon after a Vaser liposuction procedure so they can assess how they are recovering. During this appointment, a nurse or surgeon will check how well the patient is recovering, remove any non-dissolvable sutures and replace or remove any dressings. They will also be able to answer any further questions. The surgeon may schedule more follow-up appointments over the course of the next few weeks to ensure everything is healing correctly, but this varies depending on the individual. They may also recommend that patients see other healthcare professionals to aid their recovery, such as massage therapy.
Final results
It is important to realise that everybody reacts differently to the procedure, and so the time frame varies from person to person. How dramatic the results of VASER liposuction are will also differ for every individual.
It is likely that patients will see some results immediately, although most people take around six to eight weeks to see the greatest improvement. Due to the nature of the procedure, it can take up to six months to achieve the final result. It is hard to give a precise time frame, but the surgeon will be able to give an estimate based on their experience and which areas have had the VASER surgery.
Is Vaser liposuction safe?
Vaser liposuction is a relatively new procedure and so currently there is no long term data about its safety. However, it is normally safe if it is performed by a highly-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. It is highly advisable for you to research the surgeon who will be performing your treatment to ensure they have the necessary qualifications and experience. You should also pay attention to the hospital or clinic you will be having the procedure in, to make sure they meet the safety standards set by the CQC (Care Quality Commission).
It is important to also consider, that as with any procedure, Vaser liposuction does come with risks. This means that even the most highly-qualified and skilled surgeon cannot guarantee that nothing will go wrong. This is why it is so important to read through all of the risks and complications before you choose to go ahead with any body sculpting procedure.
Does Vaser liposuction actually work?
When performed correctly on eligible patients, Vaser liposuction treatment does work. This does not mean however, that it is a suitable procedure for anyone who is unhappy with the shape of their body. For example, it won’t work as well on:
- Anyone who quickly puts on a significant amount of weight
- Those who want to lose fat from their entire body
- Anyone diagnosed with body dysmorphia
- Those who cannot or do not want to follow their surgeon’s aftercare advice.
It is important to remember that although you may notice some differences immediately after surgery, it does take time to see the final results of Vaser liposuction.
Are the results of Vaser liposuction permanent?
It is important to understand that no cosmetic surgery is truly permanent as the body will always be affected by age and gravity over time. If however, you remain at a stable weight after your Vaser liposuction surgery, the results should last for many years.
If you gain weight after the procedure, the results will of course be affected. This is why surgeons usually recommend that patients are at a stable weight before they proceed with their treatment.
Will the NHS pay for my Vaser liposuction?
No, Vaser liposuction procedures are not available on the NHS as they do not normally pay for cosmetic treatments.
Are there any alternative treatments to Vaser liposuction?
Yes, the least invasive way to lose fat is by diet and exercise. Of course, you may have already tried this and decided a procedure is the best way of getting rid of any stubborn fat.
There are also alternative methods of body sculpting and fat removal available such as:
- Traditional liposuction
- Laser liposuction
- Cryotherapy
It is a good idea to speak to your GP or surgeon if you are considering Vaser or another form of liposuction. They will be able to advise you on which procedure may be the most beneficial for you.
I’m thinking of going abroad to have my Vaser liposuction, is this Safe?
Many people consider going abroad for liposuction treatment, often because they perceive it to be cheaper.
Although this might seem to be a cheaper option, the costs of flights, accommodation and aftercare may mean that this is not the case. Many surgeons advise against going abroad to have any sort of cosmetic treatment. This is due to a number of reasons but it mostly concerns your safety. The things that you should consider that may hinder your safety include:
- Your chosen surgeon’s qualifications and experience
- The ability to be able to meet your surgeon before you have treatment
- The possibility of language barriers that may prevent very clear and important communication with your surgeon
- The risks associated with flying and travelling shortly before or after your procedure
- How easy and safe it is to access aftercare
- Whether you need a special type of health insurance to cover medical costs if anything were to go wrong
If you decide to go ahead with having Vaser liposuction abroad despite the above points, make sure you educate yourself on all of the risks and plan well to ensure that you are as safe as possible.
Are there any side effects of having Vaser liposuction?
It is common to experience some tightness, aching or swelling in your treatment area for a few days after your procedure. You are likely to also experience some bruising in and around the treated area. More serious risks of Vaser liposuction include:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Burns
- Skin changes (e.g. dimpled, wavy or saggy skin)
- Anaesthetic associated risks
These more severe side effects are however, quite rare.
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All of the information found on our website is sourced from highly reputable experts, government-approved authorities and is widely used by healthcare professionals.
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cosmetic-procedures/liposuction/ NHS
- https://baaps.org.uk/patients/procedures/17/liposuction British Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- https://www.bapras.org.uk/public/patient-information/surgery-guides/liposuction British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
- Understand.com Understand
- https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/body/liposuction-guide/ American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
- https://www.vaser.com/#home Vaser
Our content is written by our Medical Quality Managers and Patient Care Advisers, all of who have medical backgrounds and training. Prior to publishing, all the information is reviewed by a surgeon specialised within the relevant field.