Hip Replacement Surgery in London
Overnight stay
1 to 5 nights
General or local (spinal block) with sedation
Recovery time
12 weeks
Hip replacement, also known as total hip arthroplasty, is an operation that replaces a damaged hip with an artificial joint. This can provide great relief from chronic hip pain and conditions like osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia that are not well-managed with other treatments.
A hip replacement may be suitable for patients if they have persistent and troubling hip pain which has not responded to medical treatment or physiotherapy. The ideal hip replacement candidates, therefore, include patients who:
- Have a damaged hip due to a condition like arthritis
- Are in constant, severe pain
- Have reduced mobility because of their hip
- Found pain medication and physiotherapy to be unhelpful
- They can no longer carry out their normal daily routine
- Have pain that has negatively impacted their mental health and social life.
Hip joint replacement surgery takes between 1 to 2 hours to perform but patients may stay up to five nights in hospital before returning home. Generally takes around 12 weeks to recover from.
Prices in London
Hip replacement surgery in London usually costs between £13,000 and £13,500. However, in some instances, this figure may change on account of a number of factors. These factors might include an individual patient's medical history, for example.
When a final price is offered, however, patients can rest assured that there will be no hidden costs or fees added later down the line. And, the final price covers all of the following:
- All fees related to your hospital stay
- Accommodation (if needed)
- Nursing care
- Surgical theatre fees
- Physiotherapy
- Imaging costs
- Medication
- Pathology
- Aftercare
- Seven days worth of any medications prescribed by your surgeon
- A standard mobility aid like crutches or a cane
- Ten post-operative physiotherapy sessions
- One post-operative X-ray
- Post-operative appointments with your surgeon
The Consultation
The consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon is important to a patient's journey. A consultation can last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. It offers both the patient and the surgeon the opportunity to become acquainted and discuss all matters relating to the treatment, including:
- Medical history and overall health of the patient
- Expectations and realistic outcomes from surgery
- Recovery and aftercare information
The consultation will also include
- a physical examination
- imaging of the hip (if required)
The surgeon will use the consultation to create a unique and personalised surgery plan for each patient. Patients should listen to the surgone's pre-op and post-op instructions and follow all aftercare advice as closely as possible in order to maximise the results of the treatment.
It is also worth noting that the consultation allows the patient to have their voice heard and resolve any queries and questions they may still have about the surgery itself, about pre-op or post-op requirements and about aftercare. Patients should always make efforts to communicate clearly at every stage of the process and ask any questions to ensure they are only committing to surgery when they feel informed about every stage.
Your Patient Journey
It can be difficult to make the right decision when choosing which surgeon or hospital you entrust with your journey. Learning about the different types of artificial joints or which surgical techniques are used can be overwhelming, but we are here to make that journey simple, transparent and stress-free.
When you sign-up with Medbelle, you will be contacted by one of our Patient Care Advisers; they will be your personal guide through the process from beginning to end. They will take care of all the appointment scheduling, keep you updated at every turn and support you with anything you need.
The first step is a call with one of our Patient Care Advisers. This is an opportunity for you to explain why you would like or why you need Hip Replacement Surgery. You will hear more specific information about our prices in London and also learn about our London locations and surgeons. It also allows your Patient Care Adviser to determine whether you are indeed eligible for surgery.
During this call, you will have the opportunity to book a consultation with the surgeon who is the best match for you. The surgeon consultation costs £245. Your Patient Care Adviser will check in with you in the lead-up to your consultation to ensure that you are prepared. You will also receive pre-consultation leaflets with useful information about what to expect moving forward.
Your Patient Care Adviser will check in with you post-consultation to see how it went. The treatment date and final price will be offered shortly after this by your Patient Care Adviser.
Hip Replacement Treatment Guide
Learn everything about hip replacement surgery in our extensive treatment guide; including the benefits of surgery, surgical techniques, risks and complications, and information on aftercare and recovery. Trust Medbelle to provide medically backed information reviewed by world-class surgeons.
Medbelle Clinics in London
Our Hip Replacement Surgery surgeons in London
Patient Stories
News & Articles
Are there any alternatives to hip replacement surgery?
Pain relief and physiotherapy are the usual first-line treatments for hip pain and problems with mobility. However, sometimes further treatment is needed. If you have a condition such as osteoarthritis, your doctor will often offer you a steroid injection into the hip to control your discomfort before thinking about hip replacement surgery, although this is not a permanent solution.
It is possible to carry out a partial hip replacement where only the part of the joint where your leg joins the hip is replaced. Your doctor and surgeon will be able to tell you which treatment plan is most suitable for you.
How long will my hip replacement last?
A hip replacement operation is permanent. The artificial hip joint often lasts for between 15 and 20 years. This means that most patients only undergo one hip replacement in their lifetime, with the exception of those patients who suffer from surgical complications such as an infected prosthesis, or those who have their hip replaced at a young age.
These repeat operations are often more complicated and less successful, but in most cases, they still improve hip function and reduce pain. You should follow general health advice to get the best long term results from your operation. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and staying hydrated.
When will I feel completely recovered after hip replacement surgery?
It is normal for your recovery to take between 3 to 6 months. After this time, you should feel like your usual self again and be able to partake in hobbies and sports as you did before the hip replacement surgery. It is therefore advised that you plan ahead.
Please ensure to discuss any specific sports or hobbies with your surgeon prior to your surgery. If you have a major event coming up such as a wedding, plan your surgery at least 6 months before if possible. Patients heal at different speeds, so it's important to be realistic in your expectations and not push yourself before you're ready.
When can I shower after hip replacement surgery?
Your surgeon will give you specific advice on how to wash and bathe after the hip replacement surgery. In general, you may not shower or bathe as normal for the first two weeks in order to keep the wound dry and to protect you from falling whilst you are still improving your mobility. During this time, its suggested strip washing one area at a time instead.
After this time, you will be able to shower normally (assuming there is step-free access), but will not be able to sit in a bath for around 8 weeks. You must follow your surgeon’s specific aftercare advice to ensure the best results possible.
What are the effects of smoking, drugs & alcohol on hip replacement surgery?
Smoking, drinking excessively and taking recreational drugs can increase your risk of a number of surgical complications. This is why we advise you to cut back on alcohol, refrain from taking drugs and stop smoking well in advance of the operation. Most surgeons ask that you are smoke and nicotine-free for at least 6 weeks before and after hip replacement surgery.
All of the information found on our website is sourced from highly reputable experts, government-approved authorities and is widely used by healthcare professionals.
- https://www.medbelle.com/hip-surgery/hip-replacement-surgery/ Medbelle
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hip-replacement/ NHS
- https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/ Royal College of Surgeons England
- https://britishhipsociety.com/ British Hip Society
- Uptodate.com Up to Date
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/ankylosing-spondylitis/ NHS
- https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/arthritis-an-overview/ Ortho Info
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17106388/ Public Medical
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3228584/ National Center for Biotechnology Information
- https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/arthritis-an-overview/ Ortho Info
- https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/inflammatory-arthritis-of-the-hip Ortho Info
Our content is written by our Medical Quality Managers and Patient Care Advisers, all of who have medical backgrounds and training. Before publishing, all the information is reviewed by a surgeon specialised within the relevant field.
Learn more about Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery can help improve quality of life for many patients and allieviate pain or mobility issues from ageing, injury or osteoarthritis.